It is almost past the one year mark since the COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic. This pandemic has thrown numerous challenges on almost every one of us and the global business couldn’t make an escape from it! Almost every business around the world felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. They had to take alternatives for almost everything that they have been doing for a long time.

During this crisis; at the worst case, many businesses were compelled to temporarily shut down by law and many others had several restrictions making the survival by itself a challenge.

For most of the IT companies, the lockdown came in as an operational challenge as it was out of scope to get their employees work from home for such a long period of time. Various factors contributing to this obstacle were,

  • Insufficient IT infrastructures at home like a moderate to poor internet connection in certain areas; the lockdown came in unexpected and people weren’t prepared for it precisely.
  • The employees were not able to make any work related travels due to these restrictions and that made it hard for many business analysts to gather the requirements and thus halting the next set of processes.
  • People started falling sick or had to take care of their family who were ill. This took their emotional well-being on a toll disturbing their productivity. They were not in a position to give their fullest.
  • For those who were able to work from home came in additional challenges like handling kids at home while both the members in the household had to work. They had to manage the kid’s online classes while toggling between the meetings.
  • There were certainly technical and business challenges like difficulties in accessing their offices or warehouses/factories.
When COVID -19 came in as a huge and unpredicted threat that was potentially able to plunge the economy of the entire globe into a pit; the team V7 Lancers took all necessary and essential steps to keep us going and on the other hand being responsible to stop the spread as well. While we were facing plentiful challenges, we took one step a time and were looking at the silver lining the cloud came with! We looked at the hidden opportunity in every hurdle and her we are now!!

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