By Janani viverjitha

Waoww!! The lives of any entrepreneur is nothing less than comfort and joy of working without and being your own boss, money from the branches of the trees, people looking up on you with so much respect, the luxurious villa, cars, and vacation and yes of course the hidden sarcasm you read in the above lines.

OK! On a serious note, what is it then?

Entrepreneur life is not razzle-dazzle at all times. None of them had a flourishing success at their first attempt and neither was their success ever linear. They bring their innovative business ideology into action to fill any current need the market has.
Needless to say, this calls in for more risks during the process of implementation. The entrepreneur takes sole leadership of any company or an organization thereby taking up the whole responsibility for executing the business ideology and success or failure of the same.

What do they do?

There is quite a reasonable level of satisfaction in owning your business. Entrepreneurs develop any primitive ideas, add more design to it, market them at a better extent and finally sell their business. Behind every business in the world, irrespective of the scope or size, there is an entrepreneur as a backbone. Thus with all their ideas and the power of internet, the entrepreneurs serve their purpose on various levels.

Are there challenges and risks?

The answer is a very obvious yes! The primary challenge any entrepreneur will have to face is oneself. Entrepreneurship demands very high level of tolerance, patience and determination to succeed. It also needs massive amount of confidence and persistence. The entrepreneur will have to make numerous cold calls and emails to ally with a client, establish and get oneself reputed. In due course of time they learn online marketing strategies as well.
While establishing your business gives you a sense of satisfaction, it comes with its own risks and sacrifices. The entrepreneurs are the first one to start the work for the day and probably the last one to close the same. They will have to forgo most of their weekends, holidays and the evenings to get things going at the company’s end.
Business goals for the success
To leverage the organization and bring in success an entrepreneur will have a set of the following business goals like making an appropriate business plan, using a skillful workforce, having oneself financially stable throughout, generating a substantial ROI, establishing online, growth of the company, developing the efficiency all-round the sectors, boosting the brand image, giving back to people, giving a positive experience for customers.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill. It’s about the tenacity of one that brings them closer to success. It goes without saying that it’s these simple successes at the initial levels that drive them to explore more and give back people more than what they wanted.

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